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Re: [Very OT] Pigeons [was :Re: your mail]

On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 03:54:30PM +0200, I.J.W Wever wrote:
> As would I. If I open my window too far, the bloody birds 
> invade my room. They shit on everything and try to build 
> nests. I like fresh air...

You should feel honoured. You must be a basically good-hearted person,
or they wouldn't be so keen on your room. A few suggestions:

- Get some of that two-inch white plastic mesh stuff that garden stores
sell for plants to grow up, and put it over your window. It doesn't 
have to be particularly securely fixed; as long as they can see it
blocking the window, they're unlikely to try and break through.

- Hang a selection of brightly-coloured balloons in your window, so
the gap is filled with large, bright objects all moving in the breeze:
use white plant-fibre parcel string, to make the strings obvious.

- Let them build nests, watch them raise the chicks, make friends with
the chicks. That's how my pigeon enthusiasm got started, and it has
added a major source of happiness to my life. There's nothing quite
like hacking away with a friendly columbine weight on my shoulder,
occasionally trying to stick her beak in my mouth; or going to sleep
with the soft, soothing 'awk, awk, awk' of a contented pigeon snuggling
up to the pillow in my ears.

- Chop up the wiring looms from scrap cars into 6-9" lengths, separate
all the individual wires and scatter them about. When the pigeons have
finished raising their chicks, pot the nests in resin and sell them as
objets d'art.


Be kind to pigeons
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