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Re: Kernel 2.4.20 compilation errors

On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 09:14:41AM +0200, Tom Verbreyt wrote:
> This morning however, I'm trying to compile a 2.4.20 kernel, and time and
> again, I get these errors when make-ing a bzImage:
> In file included from ide-cd.c:318:
> ide-cd.h:440: error: long, short, signed or unsigned used invalidly for
> 'slot_tablelen'
> Has anyone experienced the same behaviour? What am I doing wrong? I don't
> recall having done any different configuration than previous compilations
> on other machines - I don't understand why this is happening. And since
> I'm not a programmer at all, I'm quite, ehm, flabberghasted.
> So I was hoping someone could shed a light on this.

The line it's moaning about reads '__u8 short slot_tablelen'... looks
like it doesn't like the combination of 'short' with '__u8' : both are
making explicit demands about the size of the variable, which conflict
(short = 16 bits, __u8 = 8 bits).

I am somewhat puzzled, though, because the same code compiles without
error on my box... what gcc are you using? Mine's 2.95.4. Don't use 3.2.

This also gives me no error:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
int main(void){
__u8 short x;
printf("Size of x is %d\n",sizeof(x));

and prints "Size of x is 2". 

(With "short __u8 x", though, it gives me "Syntax error before 'x'").

So, the short overrides the __u8... I'd remove the __u8, then.
Thousands of people's kernels must be running quite happily with a
16-bit value for slot_tablelen. This is the only such declaration in
the entire kernel source; I guess it's a momentary brain fart that
nobody but you has smelt yet... :-)


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