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Re: gsv for Debian

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 07:59:12PM -0400, stan wrote:
> I just discovered a neat little 3D directory tree viewr calle fsv.
> Dselect does not seem to have a package for it.
> Am I missing something? It's GPL'd.

First, in your subject you indicate "gsv" and in the message text, you
indicate "fsv".  So that may also be part of the problem.  Based on a
google search for both, it seems you are after "fsv". 

Second, just because software exists and is of a compatible license does
not mean that it magically appears in the Debian package archive.  There
are these little known people called Debian Maintainers that have to
package and submit said software and then respond to bug reports and
various end-user support requests.  So, chances are if it's not in the
package archive, a maintainer hasn't packaged it yet, or if one has,
there has not been sufficient time between packaging and submission for
the other magical parts of the Debian organization (left as an exercise
for the reader to find out) to process the submission.

Jamin W. Collins

Remember, root always has a loaded gun.  Don't run around with it unless
you absolutely need it. -- Vineet Kumar

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