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Re: Alternate Debian Sources

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 09:31:27PM +1200, Sam Minnee wrote:
> Are there alternate sources that I can put into my sources.list to set up,
> say, a "dangerous" distribution (as opposed to "stable"/"unstable"), so that
> I can call commands like "apt-get install php4/dangerous" for software where
> having the most recent version is important?

There is `experimental', which is sometimes used as a staging area by
Debian maintainers before they upload a new package to Sid.  It's in
../project/experimental (relative to the 'normal' distributions), and if
you can't figure it out from there, you shouldn't be using it ;-)

Of course, this doesn't help you if the maintainer hasn't prepared
package already.  Checking http://www.apt-get.org/ would be a good idea,

> If not, is it possible to get the information that was used to compile the
> .debs, so that I can make a similar package to install onto my Debian
> system, so that it doesn't muck it up too much?

You can either use read the 'New Maintainers Guide'
(linked from http://www.debian.org/devel/) and make a 'proper' .deb, or
you could use 'checkinstall' or 'alien' to make one from bare source or
a .tgz, respectively.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>  |   mlspam@ertius.org   |   http://www.ertius.org/
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