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Re: error messages in console


The interesting thing is, that, when I plug my keyboard to the ps/2 port, all buttons (even the internet buttons) works fine, and can be used for hotkeys under kde, and can be catched by 'xev' program. But if I plug it in the usb port, I lost a lot of keys, and only a few internet buttons work.

Any idea?


Levai Daniel

Paul Johnson wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 05:54:49PM +0200, LeVA wrote:

In plain console (not in x), when I push some of my buttons on keyboard, I get these error messages:

keyboard: unknown scancode e0 66

You've pressed a key that doesn't exist (usually on a "multimedia" or
"internet" keyboard).  Google for how to bind keys if you want them to
work, or get a real keyboard that doens't have them to eliminate the
temptation.  8:o)

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