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Re: upgrading glibc on Debian ?

Hamid <mylists@spils.com> writes:

> Is it OK to install the glibc2.3 on the same original directory of
> Woody (instead of  /usr/local) and not loose the integrity of system ?

Almost certainly not (if nothing else, dpkg will get confused
eventually, and you'll get a libc6 security upgrade instable and lose
your freshly compiled glibc installation).

But compiling the C library, which really every program on your system
depends upon at least indirectly, is hairy, if you screw it up your
system will be unusable, and convincing programs to use a random
installation of it can be tricky.  Why do you think you want to do
this?  Do you think it will be easier than upgrading to Debian testing
or unstable, with the associated pitfalls?

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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