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Re: "best" laptop autocionfiguration package?

On Fri, 9 May 2003, in a new attempt to enlighten us, David Goodenough wrote:

DG> On Friday 09 May 2003 14:44, stan wrote:
DG> > I'm configuring a new laptop that will need to participate in various
DG> > networks at home and work. Things that will need to be dynamicly change
DG> > based on the network include:

I'm using ifupdowm-roaming. They are a bunch of scripts that
autoconfigures your laptop, while integrating themselves properly with the
ifupdown tools. This package tries to solve different problems the other
autoconf. tools have.

You can add this to your sources.list

deb http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/deb ./

to get it.

It works quite nice...



   "Don't let them steal your heart away..."
                                                          (Phil Collins)

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