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Re: mv on file deleted it?

Jonathan Schwarz said:
> I had a bunch of files that I had backed up from my old version of my
> website. I went to move them to my web dir, and I managed to delete  them.
> I was in my home dir, and the command was like this:
> mv *105* /var/www/jschwarz
> The files are not in my home dir nor in the web directory. Can anyone
> explain this behavior or suggest a method to recover them? I've
> downloaded tct and looked into that, but I need a partition with 210%  of
> the free space that I have on this partition, which I don't have.

I have done such commands a million(well maybe not THAT many) times over
the years and have never had such results occur. Did you check your
history file to be sure that was the command you used? another thing
to check, I would (as run) run 'updatedb' to update the locate database
then run 'locate <some file name>' to search the entire system for
some of those files incase for some reason they are elsewhere, if they
are gone, then likely they are gone, recovering data from a linux(or
even a unix) system that was deleted is very difficult, I have read
(not sure if it's accurate) that blocks that are deleted/freed are
the first blocks that are re-allocated to new files. Even if you
can recover some data using debugfs or something you can only recover
it(as far as I know) in filesystem blocks, and they will be named according
to their inode, so you'll have #51059 #15109 etc..can be very difficult
to determine what data in such files belong to what file, if you were
around in the DOS era, it's roughly equivilent to running scandisk
and ending up with a buncha FILE0001.CHK FILE0002.CHK (etc) files.

unless your willing to spend hours/days/weeks of time sorting through
lost data I would just declare the data gone and restore from backup
if you have one.

there are a few solutions to help file recovery but they must be
in place at the time of the deletion, run a search for undelete on


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