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Can't access admin pages on my linksys FW since upgrading to woody + 2.4 kernel, TCP RESET set on return packet

I don't know much about networking and this is probably the wrong forum, but here's my situation.  After upgrading to deb woody +
2.4 kernel, i can't telnet to port 80 on my router where the web admin pages are.

This used to work under 2.2 and potato.  I don't think i can revert back b/c I've added a new giant drive which won't boot under

Anyhow, if i drop a windows box on the network, it can hit the admin page just fine (this is a linksys befsr41 fw that uses web
based admin).  When i try to connect from the linux box with a browser or telnet to port 80, i get nothing.  The return packet from
the linksys has its TCP reset flag set, which sounds bad.

The linux box has two ip's on this subnet, one static and one dhcp'ed from the linksys.  I've tried disabling the static -- that
doesn't help + it worked fine under the 2.2 kernel.

But, the router works fine.  I can "telnet www.yahoo.com 80" from the linux box and the linksys acts as a gateway just fine.  ICMP
ping to the linksys is also fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


>From windows "arp -a"

Interface: on Interface 0x2
  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type           00-c0-f0-5a-ba-24     dynamic         00-c0-f0-5a-ba-24     dynamic

>From linux "telnet linksys 80"
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

My outbound packet is

Frame 816 (74 on wire, 74 captured)
    Arrival Time: Apr 15, 2003 23:13:30.110748000
    Time delta from previous packet: 0.002321000 seconds
    Time relative to first packet: 1.216612000 seconds
    Frame Number: 816
    Packet Length: 74 bytes
    Capture Length: 74 bytes
Ethernet II
    Destination: 00:20:78:d6:5b:7d (Runtop_d6:5b:7d)
    Source: 00:c0:f0:5a:ba:24 (Kingston_5a:ba:24)
    Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: linksys (
    Version: 4
    Header length: 20 bytes
    Differentiated Services Field: 0x10 (DSCP 0x04: Unknown DSCP; ECN: 0x00)
        0001 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Unknown (0x04)
        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
    Total Length: 60
    Identification: 0x0a59
    Flags: 0x04
        .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
    Fragment offset: 0
    Time to live: 64
    Protocol: TCP (0x06)
    Header checksum: 0xac9c (correct)
    Source: (
    Destination: linksys (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 33565 (33565), Dst Port: www (80), Seq: 2089274685, Ack
: 0, Len: 0
    Source port: 33565 (33565)
    Destination port: www (80)
    Sequence number: 2089274685
    Header length: 40 bytes
    Flags: 0x00c2 (SYN, ECN, CWR)
        1... .... = Congestion Window Reduced (CWR): Set
        .1.. .... = ECN-Echo: Set
        ..0. .... = Urgent: Not set
        ...0 .... = Acknowledgment: Not set
        .... 0... = Push: Not set
        .... .0.. = Reset: Not set
        .... ..1. = Syn: Set
        .... ...0 = Fin: Not set
    Window size: 5840
    Checksum: 0x16fd (correct)
    Options: (20 bytes)
        Maximum segment size: 1460 bytes
        SACK permitted
        Time stamp: tsval 19711844, tsecr 0
        Window scale: 0 bytes

And inbound is
Frame 817 (60 on wire, 60 captured)
    Arrival Time: Apr 15, 2003 23:13:30.111468000
    Time delta from previous packet: 0.000720000 seconds
    Time relative to first packet: 1.217332000 seconds
    Frame Number: 817
    Packet Length: 60 bytes
    Capture Length: 60 bytes
Ethernet II
    Destination: 00:c0:f0:5a:ba:24 (Kingston_5a:ba:24)
    Source: 00:20:78:d6:5b:7d (Runtop_d6:5b:7d)
    Type: IP (0x0800)
    Trailer: 000000000000
Internet Protocol, Src Addr: linksys (, Dst Addr: (
    Version: 4
    Header length: 20 bytes
    Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
        .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
        .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
    Total Length: 40
    Identification: 0x0a59
    Flags: 0x00
        .0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
        ..0. = More fragments: Not set
    Fragment offset: 0
    Time to live: 150
    Protocol: TCP (0x06)
    Header checksum: 0x96c0 (correct)
    Source: linksys (
    Destination: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: www (80), Dst Port: 33565 (33565), Seq: 0, Ack: 2089274686, Len: 0
    Source port: www (80)
    Destination port: 33565 (33565)
    Sequence number: 0
    Acknowledgement number: 2089274686
    Header length: 20 bytes
    Flags: 0x0014 (RST, ACK)
        0... .... = Congestion Window Reduced (CWR): Not set
        .0.. .... = ECN-Echo: Not set
        ..0. .... = Urgent: Not set
        ...1 .... = Acknowledgment: Set
        .... 0... = Push: Not set
        .... .1.. = Reset: Set
        .... ..0. = Syn: Not set
        .... ...0 = Fin: Not set
    Window size: 5840
    Checksum: 0x4816 (correct)

Other stuff people will ask for

fishmonger:/root# ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:F0:5A:BA:24
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:194112 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:267985 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:23808895 (22.7 MiB)  TX bytes:264108422 (251.8 MiB)
          Interrupt:9 Base address:0xf000

eth0:0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:F0:5A:BA:24
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          Interrupt:9 Base address:0xf000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:1495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:169610 (165.6 KiB)  TX bytes:169610 (165.6 KiB)

fishmonger:/home/sdh# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UH    0      0        0 eth0   U     0      0        0 eth0       U     0      0        0 lo         UG    0      0        0 eth0

fishmonger:/etc# cat dhclient.conf
send host-name "fishmonger";
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
        domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;
require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;
timeout 60;
retry 60;
select-timeout 5;
initial-interval 2;

alias {
  interface "eth0";
  option subnet-mask;

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