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Webmin password [followup]

Hi Folks,
 Following on from my previous thread I was sort of along the right path
but now fot to this. I've created a new users called webmin and updated
/etc/webmin/update.conf so it contacts "root webmin"

I then did

speeddev:/etc/webmin# passwd webmin
speeddev:/etc/webmin# update-webmin add acl
speeddev:/etc/webmin# /etc/init.d/webmin restart
Restarting webmin: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 1190: No
such process

Accessing from a remote machine I get the password dialog but when put in
username/password combination it just comes back


I know I'm being stupid but what do I need? I found out about the allow
lin /etc/webmin/miniserve.conf but couldn't work out how to allow all ip's
access (I'm on dynamic dialup)



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