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Re: rsync

Curtis Vaughan wrote:

> Is rsync only unidirectional? Meaning, it can only synchronize from 
> SOURCE to DESTINATION. It will not go, "Oh, actually the destination is 
> more update than the source, so I'll update the source.
> Say I want rsync to synchronize a directory.  If I delete a file from 
> the source directory, however, I've noticed that it leaves the file in 
> the destination directory. Is there a parameter to force it to remove 
> files that are not present in the source? (This would seemingly 
> contradict the first criteria, i.e., you can't have both.)

As far as I know, rsync is one-way, though you can probably tell it not
to overwrite newer files. Thus you could "rsync new and newer files only"
from A to B, then again from B to A, and you would then be in sync.

However, there is another package called "unison" that I think will do
what you want more easily. I have not used unison myself as I have not
needed its capabilities.


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