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Valter G. Nogueira Jr. wrote:

I am unable to configure Woody's X server on a vmware machine.
Vmware is running on as W2K host. I did a plain install - no running tasksel. After I instaled x-window-system-core pack. Every time I start X (startx), it seems that it will start, a X window pattern and a mouse pointer appear on the screen and suddenly it goes down. I tried several things including using X 4.2 from blade, using X 4.1 with a new version of vmware.o driver. Does anyone have a tip? Thank a lot Valter

It sounds like you don't have any clients running (such as a window manager); if the server doesn't have any client's, it'll do just start up, look around and say "Huh; no clients to run; I must as well quit and go home", and promptly does so.

Try creating a file in your home directory named .xinitrc and put the single line in it:
(or whatever window manager you want to run, or client for that matter, such as "xterm")
and see what that does for you.


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