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CD isos and jigdo


I have been trying now for a while to download Debian isos with jigdo.  I 
read the mini-HOWTO and have tried with woody, sarge, and unstable.  The 
download always fails with the message:

Error while reading `woody-i386-1.template' - file will be ignored (Bad 
file descriptor)
Error - template checksum mismatch!
The .template file does not belong to the .jigdo file - the
chances are high that the image generation process will break.
I will abort now. If you know better than me and want this error
to be ignored, enter the string "42" to proceed.

I have been using different mirrors <typing a country code or non-US 
depending on the context> still with no luck.  If someone has successfully 
downloaded a jigdo image, I would appreciate receiving a step by step 
description of what was done, I'm at a loss right now.


Luc Lefebvre

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities,
in the expert's mind there are few.			<Shunryu Suzuki>

Key fingerprint = D2E5 5E35 B910 6F4E 0242  EC63 0FD9 96D0 C7F4 784E

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