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Re: PDF presentation from LaTeX: TexPower? Prosper?

>>>>> "David" == David Z Maze <dmaze@debian.org> writes:

David> Glen Snyder <gsnyder@rice.edu> writes:
>> 2. Can anyone strongly recommend another latex package (Prosper?)
>> supplied by debian that would allow me to insert a bunch of EPS
>> figures and math formulas, and produce an electronic presentation
>> that can run on Acrobat Reader.

David> I taught a short Java class in January and made slides using
David> Prosper.  It worked great (and *much* better than trying to use
David> Magicpoint last year); I used 'xpdf -fullscreen -papercolor
David> black' to actually run the slides, since xpdf is (a) free and (b)
David> much smaller and faster than acroread.

I've used prosper as well, and it worked pretty well for me.  As David
mentioned, the slides look horrible in xdvi, but nobody uses xdvi to
view slides.  It's probably common for all/most LaTeX-based presentation
packages, because they most likely use PS/PDF tricks to do the pretty
backgrounds, etc.

I've tried out most of the other LaTeX presentation packages, and
prosper seemed to be the best.  I don't remember why, though.  But at
least one of the reasons was that it has some very nice templates.

One caveat with prosper is that all the templates are made for A4 paper,
so if you're in North America, and you want to print out your slides,
you'll have to do some tweaking.  (Or else buy some A4 paper.  Does
anyone know where to get A4 paper in Canada?)  If you need to do this,
email me, and I'll dig up the command that I used to make it use
US-Letter paper.  (IIRC, it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.)

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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