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Re: PDF presentation from LaTeX: TexPower? Prosper?

Glen Snyder <gsnyder@rice.edu> writes:

> 2. Can anyone strongly recommend another latex package (Prosper?)
> supplied by debian that would allow me to insert a bunch of EPS figures
> and math formulas, and produce an electronic presentation that can run
> on Acrobat Reader. 

I taught a short Java class in January and made slides using Prosper.
It worked great (and *much* better than trying to use Magicpoint last
year); I used 'xpdf -fullscreen -papercolor black' to actually run the
slides, since xpdf is (a) free and (b) much smaller and faster than

(Things that didn't work: last year's slides were done with
m4-generated MagicPoint, but the presentation looks much different
from the printed slides, and the syntax sucks and it's hard to get
things to look nice.  I had a somewhat brief foray into the world of
DocBook, but I didn't want to do DSSSL/XSLT hacking to try to get
something even a little presentable.  I finally realized that if what
I really wanted was PS/PDF, then I could generate it very
straightforwardly from *TeX.  I tried TeXPower but disliked it for
reasons I don't recall before settling on Prosper.

The one caveat with Prosper is that the slides look terrible in xdvi.
This is fine; you need to go ahead and run dvips over it and then
preview things in gv.  The same may actually be true for TeXPower,
before you abandon that.)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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