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Re: logcheck drives me crazy

On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 12:26:55PM +0000, Gabriel Granger wrote:
> If you give me an example of what your seeing that you dont want 
> logcheck to pick up on, i can give you the information needed to supress 
> it from logcheck reports.

I suspect what he's complaining about is the hundreds upon hundreds
of messages which postgresql spews to the log every night as it does
routine maintenance and there's no way to turn them off (even though
most are marked "DEBUG" - wtf can't you turn off debug messages in a
production system?) without telling postgresql to send all log
messages (even those which are meaningful and non-routine) to
/dev/null.  Adding the following two lines to
/etc/logcheck/ignore.d/local will make them stop showing up in
logcheck reports:

postgres.*: .* DEBUG:
postgres.*: .*Total CPU

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