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Re: tar ate my symlinks

On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 09:53:26AM -0800, nate wrote:
>Brian Victor said:
>> I backed up my debian installation with the following:
>> tar --preserve -cv / | ssh 'cat > linuxbackup.tar.bz2'
>may I ask why? I have never heard of someone attempting such
>a task in that manor.

As I mentioned in another email, cat should have been bzip2.  It was the
only way I could find to store a compressed backup without running a
network file server, which seemed to be more trouble than it was worth.

>Checking tar's manpage reveals no mention of the preserve option either.

Mine says:
              like -p -s

>You probably do not want to try to tar up the entire root partition as
>that includes /proc which is generally a real bad thing to try to backup.

Indeed.  I've already made a note to exclude it and /dev next time.
Though it was fun watching it try to pack up /proc/kcore. ;)

However, it does sound like a reinstall is in the cards.  Thanks for the


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