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Duplicating Woody Package?

I finally got a second hard drive so I can put Linux on my wife's
machine.  She'd like her X setup Identicle to mine.  I've installed a
base Woody system, current kernel, etc.  Now I need to get all the same
KDE packages on her machine.  Other than "dpkg -l | grep kde > file,
copy the file to her machine and apt-get install < file" is there a 
"better debian way" to do this?


Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu 
      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

Diagnosis: witzelsucht  	

IPv6 = robert@ipv6.rdlg.net	http://ipv6.rdlg.net
IPv4 = robert@mail.rdlg.net	http://www.rdlg.net

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