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Fwd: unsuccessful unsubscribe request

come on! it's dumber than i thought!

----- Forwarded message from debian-mirrors-request@lists.debian.org -----

It has been requested that the following address:


should be deleted from the debian-mirrors mailing list.

Sorry, but this address has NOT been found on the list.
What I did find were the following approximate matches:

1700 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net       32740 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
1552 mirrors@nerim.net                   9981 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
180 jgg-mirror@wakko.debian.net         8970 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
1245 list+debian-mirrors@list.de.cw.net  8890 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
414 debian.mirrors@maggie.proxad.net    8815 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
1383 debian-mirrors@m.gmane.org          8773 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
492 chris-debian-mirrors@mcclimans.net  8423 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net
382 post-debian-mirrors@meso.ee         8083 mass+deb-mirrors@madduck.net

----- End forwarded message -----

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
note: the pgp.net keyservers and their mirrors are broken!
get my key here: http://people.debian.org/~madduck/gpg/330c4a75.asc
never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

Attachment: pgpjKHytma6IN.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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