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Re: Logging/ Logrotate Problem

Stefan Drees said:
> Hi,
> i have set up my first debian server and everything runs
> fine, for one week :-(. The machine stops working, logcheck
> consums must of the cpu time, because daemon.log and syslog
> have grown up to 1GB in size. I deleted them, but a few hours
> later they have grown up to 10MB. Here are my questions:
> 1) How can i reduce the logging? Named, postfix and iptables are
>    generating the most messages.

BIND has a ton of logging options, see the documentation for
named.conf. Postfix I'm not aware of any logging options for it.
iptables, turn off logging for the rules that get excessive number
of hits.

> 2) Why are some logfiles rotated via logrotate and others via cron?
>    For example sysklogd is rotate via cron.weekly and i don´t know and
> which size the log is rotated and how many backups it keeps?

I personally consider that a bug, since logrotate seems to be part
of the core of debian(in potato at least, when doing a minimum install,
that is not selecting any packages, logrotate got installed. not
sure about woody).

> 3) It is possible that all iptables messages are writen in one file?

try the syslog-ng package, it provides fine grained filters for
sorting log files. I use a syslog server on my networks and filter
logs from everything.

4) What is /var/log/setuid.changes for?

I think it's for tracking setuid files. Not sure though, never really
looked at it.


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