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Some kernel compile questions

Answers to your questions:

1. To specify which modules are loaded automatically at boot time, edit the file /etc/modules. Each line of /etc/modules is one module; note that module names are listed without their .o suffixes.

2. System.map is a hexadecimal index to functions in the kernel. It's a plain text file, so you can open it up with an editor and take a look. It isn't required for normal operation, but might be useful for debugging.

3. If you compiled the kernel, you already have kernel headers (so you don't need the separate package). They are found in kernel-source-x.y.z/include.

4. Yes, new modules will overwrite old ones. To avoid this, edit the top-level Makefile and add something meaningful to "EXTRAVERSION=" before you compile your kernel or modules. I use some version of the date, like "EXTRAVERSION=.0308". I copy the kernel image to /boot/bzImage-, and the System.map to /boot/System.map- When I do "make modules_install" the modules will be copied to /lib/modules/, and my other 2.4.20 modules will be left intact.

A nice side effect of this method of specifying EXTRAVERSION is that after I do "update-grub", the kernels will be arranged in the grub boot menu with the latest first.

But of course I don't really do it as above. I use make-kpkg.


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