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Re: Orinocco Silver and wep encryption.

    "Martin" == Martin Fluch <fluch@rock.helsinki.fi> writes:

    Martin> Hi!  I try to get the WEP encryption (sure, it is not
    Martin> secure but better than nothing) on my wireless card
    Martin> (Orinocco Silver) to work at home. No problem to use it
    Martin> under Windows, but it doesn't work with Linux.

With 2.4.18 or 2.4.18-bf24 there is no problem with this card.

I usually start the card via /etc/network/interfaces like this:

iface eth0 inet dhcp
   wireless_essid myessid
   wireless_key abcdef0123

where the key is the straight (40 bit) hex key.

I remember trying the 's:password' option on iwconfig but gave up on
it for some reason. It has been a while and I can't recall what
trouble I had, but I dimly recall having some.

    Martin> If I configure the AP to use the key "qwert" and do on my
    Martin> linux box "iwconfig eth0 key s:qwert" it works fine
    Martin> (i.e. there are no error messages) beside that the
    Martin> connection does not work, only the "Rx invalid crypt"
    Martin> counter keeps increasing.

    Martin> I tried upgrading the firmware of the card to the most
    Martin> recent version, but no luck either...

    Martin> Has anybody got this card working?

Works fine. Every day ;-)


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