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OT: RE: no war

On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 11:01, dbalder@pacbrands.com.au wrote:
> * Chris.Ryan@csiro.au <Chris.Ryan@csiro.au> [20030227 16:02 PST]:
> > Iraq.
> > Please consider this an urgent request. UN Petition for Peace Stand for

As much as I like where this guys heart is, he is a bit naive. The
decision for war was probably made over twelve months ago in a smoke
filled room somewhere. And no amount of street protesting, or
chain-emails, or wild debating, or anything is going to stop it! Why?
Because the soldiers follow the chain of command, and at the top of the
chain of command is someone who cares not for the fact that the people
don't want war.

Ever wonder why all the pollies (aussie, yank and brit pollies) keep
going on so much about what a great democracy we all live in of late?
Because if you keep calling this system a democracy, maybe some will buy
that, and no one will wake up and realise that this is *not* a
democracy, because none of us can do jack shit to stop the war. (In
Australia over 90% are against the war, and yet still we go...
democracy!). I like checking out the sly arrogant smiles the pollies
give after they drop that dirty 'democracy' word in a speech. Like on
the other side of their face they are laughing all the way to their
superannuation fund...

Regime change begins at home.

Meritocratically Yours

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