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Re: Xterm key mapping

Gregory Seidman wrote:
Russell Shaw sez:
} Where can i find a list of key names for use
} in vt100 translations? There's a bunch of
} things in /etc/X11/xbd, but things like
} "BackSpace" aren't there.


You can also use xmodmap -pke to find out which keysyms are actually bound
on your keyboard.

} Does xterm have its own list?


} What does the tilde(~) character do?

Negation. In the first of the translations below, releasing the second
button only pastes if neither control nor meta are pressed.

} XTerm*vt100.translations: #override\n\
}   ~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn2Up>:	insert-selection(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)\n\
}   <BtnUp>:		select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD)\n\
}   Shift<Key>Up:		scroll-back(1,line)\n\

Thanks. I found another useful way to see keycodes is xev.
XKeysymDB seems to have something different. What are these
used in? :

apLineDel :1000FF00

apCharDel :1000FF01

apCopy :1000FF02

apCut :1000FF03

apPaste :1000FF04

apMove :1000FF05

apGrow :1000FF06

apCmd :1000FF07

apShell :1000FF08

apLeftBar :1000FF09

apRightBar :1000FF0A

apLeftBox :1000FF0B

apRightBox :1000FF0C

apUpBox                 :1000FF0D
osfCopy :1004FF02

osfCut :1004FF03

osfPaste :1004FF04

osfBackTab :1004FF07

osfBackSpace :1004FF08

osfClear :1004FF0B

osfEscape :1004FF1B

osfAddMode :1004FF31

osfPrimaryPaste :1004FF32

osfQuickPaste :1004FF33

osfPageLeft :1004FF40

osfPageUp :1004FF41

osfPageDown :1004FF42

osfPageRight :1004FF43

osfActivate :1004FF44

osfMenuBar :1004FF45

osfLeft :1004FF51

osfUp :1004FF52

osfRight :1004FF53

osfDown :1004FF54

osfPrior :1004FF55

osfNext :1004FF56

osfEndLine :1004FF57

osfBeginLine            :1004FF58

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