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Re: vim macro|bind

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 12:14:28AM +0000, Hugh Saunders wrote:
| how would one bind a key to
| :.,$d

| [or a named function to delete from current position to eof] ?

The command
will do that.  "G" is a cursor movement command that moves the cursor
to the end of the buffer.

| basically just want to start simple! have gasped in amazement at the vim
| maze solving macro and looked at /usr/share/doc/vim/html but cant see
| anything simple for binding stuff.

Look at the "map" commands.  For example, on a laptop I often hit F1
when I mean to hit ESC.  I solved that with the following in my .vimrc :

" don't show help when F1 is pressed -- I press it too much by accident
map <F1> <ESC>
inoremap <F1> <ESC>


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        --Jim Elliot

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