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Re: Woody, Sarge, SID, WTF?

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 08:10:03PM +0100, Jeff Elkins wrote:
> Thank you, Rick and Vineet.
> As a newbie, I appreciate your responses.
> I'm looking forwarding to exploring Debian.

Be careful with sid; it's where all the development of Debian takes
place, and it's undergoing quite a transition at the moment.  GCC 3.2 is
now the default compiler, which has caused every single C++ program and
library to be gradually rebuilt and uploaded.  Since sid is continuously
available, even during times like this, it might be impossible to
install a particular package at any point in time.  This doesn't happen
often, but it does happen; particularly with KDE3, which is entering
the archive at the moment.

Make sure you can afford to lose the use of your sid partition for a
little while if something breaks, and you'll be just fine :-)

That said, I've been using sid for a couple of years now, and I've never
lost data, or even had an unbootable/unloginable/unusable system.  Go
subscribe to debian-devel-announce (on http://lists.debian.org/) so you
hear about the major transitions before they happen, keep an eye on this
list, and you'll be just fine.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>				http://ertius.org/

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