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Re: Deb-List Subject Line Tag?

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 04:12:14AM +0000, Scalar wrote:
> Would it be acceptable for the listserver to add a few
> letters at the beginning of the subject to distinguish the
> list from other email?

Personally, I don't care one way or the other, but it's something
I've seen (heatedly) discussed here before.  It's technically
feasible, but Debian will be bought out by Microsoft before it

> I use pine over telnet in 25x80 mode for email, and it is
> frequently impossible to tell listserv messages from normal
> email.

Do you have access to procmail or a similar filtering mechanism on
the machine which stores your mail?  The standard way of dealing with
this problem is to use procmail, etc. to filter each list into a
separate mailbox, so you don't have to rely on subject lines to
identify list messages.

(Side note:  Have you considered using ssh instead of telnet?  The
telnet protocol sends your password and all your data in plaintext,
making them trivial for anyone else on the same network to intercept
and read them.)

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