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Editors (was: editing a text file in a tar.gz file without decompressing)


* Paul Mackinney <paul@mackinney.net> [2003-02-11 11:22]:
>I've been learning emacs (gone to far to go back to vi at this point)
>and kind of sneering at all-in-one IDE's, but Jedit is worth a
>look. Auto-formats nicely, prints nicely (better than emacs, IMO),
>sophisticated plugin manager (you'll want a fast internet connection
>to use it) with mature content, and several options for compiling. The
>one I use is just a console window that runs my regular javac, but
>preformats the command line for me with all the options that you
>aren't using now because it would be too tedious to type.
>Haven't found a workable debugging module yet, but someone will write
>one soon, this project clearly has a comitted & savvy crew behind it.

In fact, I use NEdit, because jEdit is too slow for my tastes.
However, jEdit is really very nice, and I hope that NEdit gets some of
its features.

Kaufen, was einem die Kartelle vorwerfen; lesen, was einem die Zensoren
erlauben; glauben, was einem die Kirche und Partei gebieten. Beinkleider
werden zur Zeit mittelweit getragen. Freiheit gar nicht.
    - Kurt Tucholsky

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