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Re: OT: Plagiarism Monitor S/W

Abdul Latip <dullatip@angin.com> writes:
> Sorry, this is not so related to Debian. I am just wondering 
> if there exists a script/ software that compares similarities 
> between two files. It should be more sophisticated than "comm"
> and "diff".
> Someone would like to use that script for screening student
> assignments. Prefarable, if it could also detect "using more 
> than 72 chars/line" and the usage of "^M" in text files.

So, having had some experience doing this: your class has TA's, right?
And they review the things students turn in?  When I've been a TA,
this has caught the more gratuitous cases of cheating; having a class
policy that code sharing is absolutely verboten esssentially forbids
students from working together at all, which is counterproductive.  A
sufficiently aggressive tool will result in lots of false positives,
too, which isn't helpful.  Finally, if you do decide to go after
students, please apply some discretion, and don't assume your tool
infallibly detects the students' intentions...

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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