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Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

* Nick Hastings (hastings@bmail.kek.jp) [030205 01:30]:
> Hi,
> * Dave Selby <dave_arahan@yahoo.co.uk> [030205 16:20]:
> > When using X, you can highlight text and copy it to another area via the 
> > middle mouse button.
> > 
> > Is there a buffer file that holds the highlighted text ? This would be very 
> > usefull for passing URLs etc to the ctrl-alt-f1 command line. Sometimes Xterm 
> > is not ideal because it ceases when the user is changed. The same goes for 
> > the GUI !
> > 
> > Yep I am thinking of downloading long files via wget !
> In that case you can still use X, you just need to nohup your wget.
> eg.
> nohup wget http://whatever >& wget.log &
> man nohup
> for details.
> Actually there is probably something built into bash so that nohup is
> not required... but I don't know about interactive bash.

Right you are.  When exiting, bash sends a HUP to everything on its list
of active jobs iff the shell option huponexit is set (which it is by

There's also a 'disown' builtin which can be used to tell bash not to
SIGHUP a particular job, or even to remove the job from the table
entirely.  This can be used to tell bash that you want a given
command to keep running after exit, rather than the blanket solution of
'shopt -u huponexit'.

In short, 'disown -h' is probably closest to nohup, but if you really
want to know how to do what you want to do, go read bash(1), now that I
gave you clues what to look for =)

Of course, zsh also provides '&!' and '&|' as syntactic sugar to
sprinkle in place of 'command & ; disown'

good times,
http://www.aclu.org/		It's all about Freedom.

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