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Re: copying out of openoffice

also sprach Matthew Weier O'Phinney <matthew@weierophinney.net> [2003.02.03.1914 +0100]:
> I have a similar problem. I seem to be able to use the "Ctrl-C" method
> (also "Edit->Copy") with Mozilla, but nothing else. If I select text
> with the mouse, the only app I've been able to middle-click paste into
> is gVim (from which I can then do standard X pasting everywhere else).
> Hence, I use this as a workaround whenever using OO.o.

I seem to have just succeeded copying out of OO.o with the text format
being Text-Only. In fact, further study show that I cannot cut/copy
out of OO.o after it started until I opened a Text-Only document (or
saved one). Then cut/copy works. Can you verify that?

(Version is 1.0.1-6)

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