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Re: How can I control the display output (number of lines)

Roland Wegmann wrote:

>Hy all
>How can I control number of lines per 'page'? For example when I use the 
>command 'aptitude search gnome' the output is a huge list, that 'runs 
>over' my 'bash window' and I can only read the last search results.
>Which tool do I have to use that i can read the 'output pages' one by one?

Use the pager, less, with a pipe.  See man less

$ aptitude search gnome | less

This will cause one screen full of text at a time.  Use the spacebar to
advance one page, or the up/down arrows to scroll one line at a time.

Alternately, you could send the output to a file.  Then use less, a text
editor to read the file, or send it to your printer.

$ aptitude search gnome >> somefile
gt                         kk5st@sbcglobal.net
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