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Re: "debian rookie" trying to get his bearings...

Kent West wrote:
> Jeff Hahn wrote:
> >I'm setting up a "test" debian server (contemplating a move of several
> >redhat boxes)

There are many differences.  In many ways you will find it frustrating
because some details being different will take some time to figure
out.  But let me encourage you to hang in there and have patience
because the trip is worth it.  Since you mention servers in particular
let me say this is one area where Debian excels.

> >I'm having a few problems dealing with the distribution differences.  I
> >assume I'll be able to work those out.

Don't get too frustrated.  Ask questions on this list if you get
stuck.  Be specific and people will do their best to help you.

> >One quick question to get me going a little better...  How do you install
> >services (apache, samba, whatever) and NOT have them start on system
> >startup?
> >
> >In RedHat, this is done with chkconfig.  I've got a number of services
> >installed that aren't configured and I certainly don't want them running at
> >startup.

Every Redhat user asks about chkconfig.  Having used Redhat myself I
always needed to edit the init.d script, set the run level, save, run
chkconfig to create the symlinks, then invoke the script when
installing a new package.  But on Debian none of that is needed.  Not
needing to run chkconfig has left many people stymied.  How do you
install the symlinks?  You don't need to because by default they are
installed automatically.

Your question is different because you are asking how do you prevent
the service from running.  That *may* be by not installing the
symlink.  But I am not convinced yet.

If you could post more details about how you are trying to operate I
am sure that the list could help more.

> >If I see that blankety-blank GDM login on bootup again, I'll .............

But you installed it!  If you do not want to see it then why install
it?  (He says looking about innocently.  I know, you are just getting
ready to release it and want it installed but not yet enabled.)

Edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager and set the line to something
which does not exist.  The init.d scripts look there and if the name
matches then they run.  If you make them not match then it will be
disabled but otherwise installed.  Put that back when you are ready to
enable it.

I personally do not install the daemons that I don't want to run until
I am ready to run them.  Therefore I hold off installing KDM until I
am ready to run KDM.

When I am doing a manual installation I usually go through these

* Install a minimul system.  I avoid both tasksel and delect.
* apt-get install rsync
* rsync over a bootstrap script
* Run script to copy all of the preconfigured /etc files such as
  gpm.conf and XF86Config and so on.
* Now that everything is preconfigured I install a meta package of my
  own making.  It depends upon what I want installed.  At this point
  you could run tasksel if you desired.  This pulls in the rest of the
  system.  Being preconfigured most things do not need to ask any
  questions.  Some do however.  Those are bugs to be filed. :-)

What services are you installing that you do not want to run?  Can't
you hold off installing them until you want them to run and install
them then?  For example, if you wanted a web server running apache but
did not want it to run until you had the content installed and ready
go to, couldn't you install the content first?  A few concrete
examples would do wonders for the understanding here.

> The "official" answer is update-rc.d (see "man update-rc.d")but there 
> are several ways of reaching your goal, such as manually 

In this case I think the real answer lies in invoke-rc.d which is how
packages are supposed to start up services.  I believe that
update-rc.d is more for package post install scripts to install their
own symlinks.  You can mess with those yourself.  But then you have to
remember to put everything back too.  Better not to need to munge

See the Debian Policy manual section "Running initscripts"
for details of invoke-rc.d.  Right now invoke-rc.d is only strongly
recommended so not all packages use it.  But it will be manditory in
the future.  That whole section is what you need to read.


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