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Re: Memory usage on debian

On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 12:27:08AM -0500, Jason McCarty wrote:

> Hope this interests somebody besides myself ;)

Well, it does :) What is the difference between 'cached' and
'buffers'? I wanted to know that since long, but never found out.

What wonders me it the memory usage of Xfree86. It seems that with
versions before 4.x, the memory usage was related to the programs that
were running. But since 4.x, the X server claims large amounts of
memory, seemingly the more the longer it runs:

 20:22:57 up 67 days,  1:19, 11 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
81 processes: 80 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   0.0% user,   0.2% system,   0.0% nice,  99.8% idle
Mem:    514300K total,   507304K used,     6996K free,    30196K buffers
Swap:   423784K total,   339748K used,    84036K free,    93220K cached

27053 lee        9   0 34484  33M  1348 S     0.0  6.7   0:10 mutt
  492 root       7 -10  560M  15M   836 S <   0.0  3.1 219:38 XFree86
10697 lee       14   0 10240 9560  2108 S     0.0  1.8   2:52 xemacs
21609 lee        9   0  6184 6144  1832 S     0.0  1.1   0:00 xterm

It almost looks as if the X server had a serious memory leak. Is there
an explanation for its enormous memory allocation?


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