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RTCW on debian

 Dear All,

 Is anybody running return to castle wolf. linux binaries on debian?
I'm having problem launching single player game, after start I just
see black square and nothing else. Console stops after:
...loading 'scripts/ui.shader'
...loading 'scripts/ui_hud.shader'
...loading 'scripts/ui_notebook.shader'
...loading 'scripts/ui_wolf.shader'
...loading 'scripts/viewflames.shader'
...loading 'scripts/walls.shader'
...loading 'scripts/z_light.shader'
----- finished R_Init -----
^3WARNING: R_FindImageFile could not find 'ui/assets/SMOKE-16bit.tga' in shader 'console'
^3Shader console has a stage with no image
^3WARNING: R_FindImageFile could not find 'ui/assets/wolficonback4.tga' in shader 'console2'
^3Shader console2 has a stage with no image

------- sound initialization -------

[lex.lexa]$ ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
23850 pts/2    00:00:00 bash
24806 pts/2    00:00:01 wolfsp.x86
25377 pts/2    00:00:00 ps
[lex.lexa]$ kill 24806
[lex.lexa]$ Received signal 15, exiting...

 Multiplayer runs normally, I'm able to create server and play on it.
I'm running woody with nvidia's driver 4191 version

 Any help would be apreciated.

PS: I've copied mp_pak[012].pk3, sp_pak[12].pk3 and pak0.pk3 from the win32


  Best regards,
  Alexey Chetroi

Smile... Tomorrow will be worse.   (c) Murphy's law

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