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Re: ALSA (and kernel?) problem

George Georgalis <george@galis.org> writes:
> I haven't used alsa in a while but when I did, I used these scripts (RedHat)
> to compile/install.
> http://galis.org/scripts/alsa-INSTALL.sh
> http://galis.org/scripts/alsa-driver-0.5.11.sh
> http://galis.org/scripts/alsa-lib-0.5.10b.sh
> http://galis.org/scripts/alsa-utils-0.5.10.sh

I'd ignore these scripts in a Debian world.  First, I'd use APT to
install the ALSA userspace.  If you're using a stock kernel, there are
probably precompiled ALSA modules to go with it; if not, install
alsa-source, unpack /usr/src/alsa-driver.tar.gz, and then go to the
top directory of your kernel tree and run 'make-kpkg modules-image
--added-modules=alsa-driver'.  (Assuming, of course, that you used
kernel-package to compile your kernel in the first place.)  This
produces an alsa-modules-*.deb in the parent directory of your source
tree; install it using 'dpkg -i'.

(Comment: the same pretty much applies for any add-on kernel module.
Caveat: I only know for sure that modules exist in unstable for 2.4.19
kernels, modules don't necessarily exist for any particular module for
any particular kernel.  But you're golden if you're building your own
kernel.  And you might even be able to use the 0.9.0rc6 ALSA source
out of unstable, with some luck.)

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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