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Question relating regexp

This is a example one can find on one of the links
discribed in the deb HOWTO package:

=Section Multipliers(text just pasted):

An example from the phone list:
1248   Kate 634
1548  Kerry 534

To match a line that starts with a 1, 
has some digits, at least one space 
and a name that starts with a K we can write:

grep '^1[0-9]\{1,\} \{1,\}K' phonelist.txt
or use * and repeat [0-9] and space:
grep '^1[0-9][0-9]*  *K' phonelist.txt

=Why, in the first example, has the author
prefaced the char 'K' with the one or more
times multiplier? He only wants to find a 
name beginning with 'K'(!)

Then, in the snd grep command he doubled
'[0-9]', wouldn't only '^1[0-9]*....'be 
sufficent? Again, 'K' is prefaced with the
asterisk which doesn't seem necessary to me.

I hope one day all would agree on one standard.


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