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Re: How to analyze a server crash?

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 04:01:53AM -0600, Michael Heironimus wrote:
> panic. I've had that happen when X crashed, too, and that wasn't really
> even a driver bug (it was combination of wine and font servers). 

This one's resolvable if you have the Magic System Request key enabled
(not sure if it is by default).  It's sysrq-k to kill everything in
your current console.  If you use gdm or xdm on the console you're
killing, then it should restart automatically and give you a new
login.  If you use kdm and you have "Automatically log in after X
server crash" enabled, then it will automagically restart your session
where it was last saved; otherwise it'll behave the same as gdm or xdm.

To test, switch to a console.  Hit sysrq-s (Pressing sysreq is
alt-prntscrn, you need to hold both down to hold down sysreq).  If you
see "sysRq: Emergency sync" and a few lines where it syncs everything,
then you've got it.  If you get thrown back to a different console or
nothing happens, then you don't.  To enable it, recompile your kernel
and say yes to CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ.

For details on what all you can use System Request for, check out

> The best suggestion I can think of right now is to read about the "magic
> sysreq" kernel debugging option, enable it, and try to rsync another
> 10GB. But if the system is truly locked it won't be able to respond to
> your sysreq.

Though this is pretty rare, usually sysrq will work.

 .''`.     Baloo <baloo@ursine.dyndns.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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