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Re: dvd playback problems and questions

-- Jamin W. Collins <jcollins@asgardsrealm.net> wrote
(on Monday, 06 January 2003, 01:57 PM -0600):
> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:42:28PM -0500, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> > What dvd playing software are other debian users using? anybody
> > encounter any of these problems/deficiences? If so, were you able to
> > correct them? how?
> I tend to use Ogle, but Xine is nice too.
> I get a bit of a chop with DVD playback on one of my systems, but I
> suspect that it is because the CPU is only a PIII 600.  I have another
> system with the same DVD drive that plays smoothly (AMD K7 1Ghz).
> Are you running KDE/Gnome or a simple window manager?  Also, are you
> using the stock nv driver or the binary nvidia driver?
Okay, I've got my machine back up, and I had listed the video card
incorrectly -- it's an S3 SuperSavage series, and I have X configured to
use the savage driver.

I run blackbox with ROX-Filer as a pinboard, so there should be few if
any memory problems due to the wm/desktop environment. The only other
apps I've had open while testing are gkrellm, mutt, slrn, and bbpager.

I discovered that Xine worked with the Xshm video mode, but it, too, was
choppy. I had trouble getting ogle to work in gui mode, so I compiled
and installed by hand, and that worked. The video is still choppy, but
less so than when I used the debian package (wierd).

I'm thinking I might need to spring for a better video card, or at least
one with plenty of memory for itself.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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