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Process KILLED

I've got a client on an ISP that's running Debian Woody.  They drive me
crazy because they have hacked up things as pretend security -- ps and top
only show your own processes for one thing.

Anyway, ulimit shows "unlimited" yet any CPU intensive processes I run get

 $time perl -le 'do {} while 1;'

real    0m16.267s
user    0m15.400s
sys     0m0.070s

My guess is they have some script looking for 99% CPU usage of some such

Sure that above doesn't so much, but I've got an important program that
scans through a database of small records -- all that data gets into
memory so there's no disk I/O and the process is all CPU.  And it gets

I'm asking their support, but I just wanted to check here first in case
there's anything else that might be causing the script to get killed.

Bill Moseley moseley@hank.org

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