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Re: Spammassassin errors

On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 05:01:46PM -0800, Michelle Storm wrote:
> I am getting the above errors. Roommate tried to setup spamassassin on
> my system last week. I think it was bouncing everything back cause I
> stopped recieving emails, so I removed it. (I had to re-subscribe to
> deb-user list afterwards).

I don't know if it bounces the mail either, but that would explain a
lot on my system.  Anyway, if you had to re-subscribe to debian-user,
then it probably did bounce everything.

> I am trying to get it setup and working. I am getting the above error,
> and I'm not sure if it's cause I'm missing something or what?

It's missing spamd.  Run 'spamd -d' (as root) and it'll work.  To fix
it permanently, edit /etc/default/spamassassin and on the line that
says 'ENABLED=0', change 0 to 1.  That's what did it for my system
after I had that problem.


Vikki Roemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Quod scripsi, scripsi." [Latin, "What I have written, I have written."]

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