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trying out 2.4.19 w/pcmcia+DHCP debian woody

woah! yes it's true! I am trying 2.4.19 on my laptop!

I figured what the hell, I mean worst case my system gets hosed
and I lose everything. nothing on the laptop I need so, screw it,
why not ..

anyways, quick question. PCMCIA works fine, however dhcp didn't
load on boot. I built the pcmcia drivers directly into the kernel,
and my /etc/network/interfaces has eth0 as setup for dhcp.
But even with /etc/init.d/networking restart it didn't start the
dhcp daemon. Once I did /sbin/pump -i eth0 it immediately started
working. For some reason do I need to recompile pcmcia-cs ? I
was using a custom built deb against my previous kernel 2.2.19.
I noticed no errors on bootup ..

I suppose I could just make a script to call pump on bootup
but was curious if there was a better way :)



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