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Re: Compiling kernel for AMD CPU with gcc 3.02 How?

[Please don't send me private copies of list mail. I read the list and
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On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 10:02:34PM -0600, John Foster wrote:
> Well I tried setting these in /etc/environment

I wouldn't use /etc/environment for this if I were you. Try /etc/profile
instead (remembering to 'export' variables you set), or a shell
initialization file in your home directory. See the bash(1) man page,

> GCC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.2

I've never seen anything look at $GCC.

> G++=/usr/bin/g++-3.2

Use CXX instead.

> GCJ=/usr/bin/gcj-3.2

I doubt that will be used.

> It did compile but I noticed that it still is using the 2.95.4 cpp-libs 
> any ideas on how to clean that up.

Figure out, possibly on a case-by-case basis at first, what environment
variable it looks at to find the compiler. Change that environment
variable. Make sure it's changed by typing 'echo $CC' at a shell prompt.

The Linux kernel's build process appears to look at $CC. I don't know
what you mean by "the 2.95.4 cpp-libs"; the kernel does not use C++ nor
indeed the system libraries.

> Is there anyone who know where this stuff is doccummented??

/usr/share/doc/gcc-*/README.Debian.gz documents it briefly. Particular
environment variables are documented in fragmented ways throughout the
documentation for build tools like make and autoconf. In general people
who are changing compilers around are expected to be willing to look
through Makefiles briefly in order to figure out what to do: it's
usually near the top of a Makefile and easy to find.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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