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xpdf hogging processor

  I've just tried to view the PDF at 
http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg36.pdf (1.5MB)
with xpdf.  It works fine until page 12, when the system slows to a crawl.
top tells me that XFree is using 75-80% CPU and xpdf is using most of the
rest.  I left it running for a couple of minutes before killing it.

gv shows the page fine (though it doesn't get page 1 right).  I would have
thought that my system (133MHz, 72MB) would be good enough to read a pdf,
but ICBW.  Does anyone with a higher-spec machine, and a few minutes to
spare, want to take a look at the file and see if they have the same


I know, for I told me so,
And I'm sure each of you quite agrees:
The more it stays the same, the less it changes

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