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why does it look at xdm and kdm while shutting down?

hello all

my inittab sets the runlevel to 2.

in /etc/rc2.d, there were links referring to files in /etc/init.d

i did not want xdm, kdm, gdm to start. so i changed the link names from
SnnProgram to KnnProgram for these links.

however, while shutting down, it still looks for xdm, kdm, etc. it is
not doing me any harm, i find it unelegant that the system tries to shut
down programs it had not started in the beginning.

how do i prevent this?


sandip p deshmukh

Q:	How do you shoot a blue elephant?
A:	With a blue-elephant gun.

Q:	How do you shoot a pink elephant?
A:	Twist its trunk until it turns blue, then shoot it with
	a blue-elephant gun.

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