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Re: Best way to implement php4.2 (or sablotron libraries) on testing

This one time, at band camp, Michelle Murrain said:
> Hi folks,
> I need a suggestion. I've got a box running testing, which has the php
> version 4.1.2. Just about everything with that is OK - except for the
> xslt support. I *need* the xslt module of version 4.2.3, because of
> the improved support for the sablotron libraries.
> I'm trying to figure out what the best approach is:
> 1) Take out all php packages, and compile php 4.2.3 from source 
> 2) use just the php4-xslt module from sid 
> 3) use all of the php4 modules from sid
> I'm assuming that 2 and 3 are going to be problematic because of
> dependency issues. But just in case it is possible to do, I'd like to
> hear from someone who either has done this, or has intelligent
> suggestions about it.
> Thanks!!  -- .Michelle

If you hurry, option 2 should be fine.  PHP4 hasn't yet been recompiled
for the new libc6 in sid, and this is the one that would cause you the
most headache.

Perl has a long tradition of working around compilers.
             -- Larry Wall in <199708252256.PAA00105@wall.org>

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