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Re: Building DEB from Source Package

This one time, at band camp, Robert James Kaes said:
> Hi,
> Hopefully this will be a quick question: is it possible to build a woody
> debian package on a "testing" machine?  My server is at woody, but I don't
> really want to build packages on a production machine.
> Any information you can provide would be helpful.
> 	-- Robert

Look into pbuilder - it's designed for doing stuff exactly like this.  I
have a testing machine as my day to day desktop machine (it's also the
fastest of my non-server boxes) so I use it compile things for the other
boxes.  pbuilder sets up a chroot environment, set to whatever
distribution you tell it, and then allows you to rebuild from source for
that distribution.

A diplomat's life consists of three things: protocol, Geritol, and alcohol.
		-- Adlai Stevenson

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