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Re: mpg321 on ntfs

>The version of the NTFS driver that you are using doesn't support
>mmaped files.  Since NTFS support is currently sketchy at best, this
>doesn't suprise me much.  Newer kernel versions _might_ fix it, or
>might not.  You may want to look around for Linux NTFS driver specific
>changelog/notes... there may be a patch that makes it work.
>If not, you'll need to move your MP3's to another filesystem that does
>support mmap if you want to use mpg321, or keep using XMMS.

thanks for answering, first! I was planning to create a fat32 partition
to share data between linux and win2k. now I know I really need it. I
heard that it's not advisable to write on a ntfs partiton from linux -
that's annoying enough - but if there are problems even reading I would
switch to fat. 
just the last question: why xmms can read from ntfs? it's not using

Leonardo Canducci - lcanducci@libero.it
GPG Key ID: 429683DA

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