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Re: More Trials and tribulations

Yes gnome was installed, I just selected to use xdm during instead ofgdm during set up. I just figured XDM would have some sort of list that would let me choose whether I wanted to use Gnome, KDE, or enlightenment etc....when it started.

LOL oh did you know you get some very interesting results when you type gdm in a kde teminal window?

Is there a dpkg-reconfigure command I can run that will let me change to gdm?

I did apt-get install kppp and it installed but I have to start kppp from a termianl window. I did add my user account in pppconfigure and when I tried to add root I received the message, no such user exists.

When I try to connect to my isp it fails and I get a window that pops up and says; ppp daemon died unexpectedly exit code 1. And in the terminal window the following lines appear after the failure; KDE detected X error; BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8 Major opcode: 42 and; pppd exit code 1 The remote system is required to authenticate itself but I could not find any suitable secret (password) for it to do so. None of the available passwords will let it use an IP address.

Shyamal Prasad wrote:

   "lameth" == lameth  <lameth@erols.com> writes:

   lameth> Okay after finally getting x-windows to start. I have
   lameth> three new problems; 1 I'm using xdm to start my x-windows
   lameth> session and it starts kde. I'd much rather use gnome, how
   lameth> do I change to gdm.

apt-get install gdm

should do it. I presume you installed the rest of Gnome?

   lameth> 2 [....can't help with SB modules...]

   lameth> 3 I have my ppp connection configured but I can't connect
   lameth> to the internet while I'm logged in as my everyday user,
   lameth> or at will as root. When I was using Mandrake linux kde
   lameth> had Kppp but I didn't see it in any of the menus. Could
   lameth> someone give me an idea of how to solve this?

I think you probably need to add yourself to the dialout group. I'm
not sure exactly what your problem is above - what fails, when and
what are the error messages? As yourself? As root?


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