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Re: No X after upgrade Potato -> Woody

On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 12:39:13PM +0200, Adam Galant wrote:

> Try 'startx' instead of 'X'. 'X' runs onlu an X-server with no clients
> which will give you exactly what you described. With 'startx' you should
> get an X session with a windowmanager you installed (there should be at
> least twm).

Thanks for your reaction! If I do 'startx' as root, I see the exact same
'fish bone' screen. If I do this as regular user, I see all these x
lines in the console but it ends with 'waiting for x server to shut
down'. After that, my .xsession-errors shows:

  x-window-manager:  unable to open fontset

> Check also whether your window/desktopmanager is installed on your
> system. Finally check for 'xdm', 'gdm', 'kdm', 'wdm' or 'whatever-dm' for
> graphical login after boot.

I expect my system to have gnome, since it did just before I upgraded
from Potato to Woody. In fact, it runs Ximian-Gnome (or 'did' I should
say). gdm exists in /etc/init.d

Any further suggestions are tremendously appreciated!

  Erik van der Meulen <e.van.der.meulen@avondel.com>

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